Cancellation & Refund Policy

1. Non-refundable Purchases:

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all purchases made on ShaadiWire are non-refundable. This policy applies to customers who have bought items such as 'E-invites' and 'Makeup services,' as well as wedding businesses and vendors.

2. Vendor's Refund and Cancellation Policy:

When you book a vendor through ShaadiWire, please be aware that the vendor's own refund and cancellation policy will govern your booking. If the vendor has not provided their policy, we recommend contacting them directly or checking their terms before finalizing your booking.

3. Limited Liability:

ShaadiWire is not responsible for any refund or cancellation related to purchases or bookings made on the platform. Customers and vendors are solely responsible for resolving any disputes or issues that may arise. ShaadiWire acts as an intermediary and does not assume liability for the products, services, or actions of vendors.

4. Account Termination:

In cases where users misuse the website, engage in fraudulent activities, or violate the terms of service, ShaadiWire reserves the right to take appropriate actions, including terminating their user accounts. This ensures the safety, integrity, and fair usage of the platform for all users.

5. Changes to Bookings:

Any changes or modifications to bookings made on ShaadiWire are subject to the vendor's policies and availability. Customers should communicate directly with the vendor to discuss any required modifications and understand any associated fees or restrictions.

6. Communication with Vendors:

ShaadiWire provides a platform for customers and vendors to connect and engage in transactions. It is the responsibility of customers to communicate directly with vendors regarding their specific requirements, preferences, and any necessary details related to purchases or bookings.

7. Disputes and Resolution:

In the event of a dispute between customers and vendors, ShaadiWire encourages open communication and negotiation between the parties involved. If necessary, customers and vendors should seek legal advice or explore alternative dispute resolution methods to resolve any conflicts.


Please carefully review this policy before making any purchases or bookings on ShaadiWire. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our cancellation and refund policy, we encourage you to contact our customer support for further assistance.